Setting up Twitch

Connecting to

To connect with Twitch we need 4 things.

  1. The ChannelName / Username
  2. A Twitch API Client-ID
  3. A Twitch API Secret client-code
  4. A Twitch Access Token

First Select the Tab named Connection Settings

The first thing that Twitch needs is just the name of your channel so that is easy.

Getting the Twitch Client-ID and Secret client-code

We need to create new application on the Twitch Developer Console

  1. login to the Twitch Developer Console.
  2. Authorize the Twitch Developer Console.
  3. Register a new Application
  4. Enter a name, any name is fine.
  5. For the OAuth url you can use http://localhost
  6. The category should be Application Integration
  7. Press the purple button to create the application.
  8. You can now see that your application is made. to get Access Codes you need to press the Manage Button.
  9. Copy and paste the Client-ID
  10. Press on the Button to create a new Secret client-code
  11. Copy and paste the secret client-code in the secret client-code field.

Getting the Twitch Access Token

1.The ACCESS TOKEN can be obtained by going to TwitchTokenGenerator

  1. Select Custom Scope Token When you scroll down you see a list with NO/YES buttons
  2. At the end of the list there is a Select All Button. click on that and all the NO/YES buttons will be set to YES
  3. On the right bottom corner of the list There is a Big green Generate Token! Button.
  4. When you press that. you will be asked to login to your Twitch account.
  5. When you are succesfully logged in to Twitch, you see a screen that asks you grant permission to Twitch Token Generator by swiftyspiffy
  6. When you authorize that permission, you wil be send back to the Twitch Token Generator

Here you can see your


Copy and paste The ACCESS TOKEN in the ACCESS TOKEN Text box and you are done.

How to...