Setting up Streamlabs
The To Do List
Bugs that need to be fixed.
- Unexpected error in worker thread java.lang.InterruptedException: null On startup (This error is caused by Twitch4j v1.5.1 They are working on it.) As far as i know the program works as intended.
Planned features
Items on this list are done in no particular order. Items can disappear from this list
- OBS Websockets listener
- Add a File Chooser to use logo's/avatars from Hard Drive. (Planned for the next release)
- A button to remove Channelpoint entry's from the list. (Planned for the next update)
- A button to Copy Chat triggers.
Things that are done
Version 7.2.1-Beta
- BUG Fixed Fixed a bug that crashed the app when saving.
version 7.2-beta
- Feature Added Advertisements. Advertisements are Messages that will display in chat on a certain interval.
version 7.1-beta
- BUG Fixed StreamElements re-prints do not work when Streamlabs test-events are disabled.
- BUG Fixed donations with made-up names crash the system.
version 7-beta
- Improvement Updated the Twitch4j Library to v1.5.1.
- Improvement Rewritten most of the code that handles receipt creation.
- BUG Fixed There is no message printed when a new Subscriber subscribes.
- Feature Added You can now enable the printing of manually triggered events from StreamLabs and StreamElements.
- Feature Added A Function that Automatically Shouts out a Hoster or a Raider in Chat.
version 6.3.3
- BUG fixed Program crashes when receiving an unknown IRCRawMessageEvent from
version 6.3.2
- Improvement Less saving after Events have occurred.
- BUG Fixed Program crashes on loading when no Printer is selected.
- BUG Fixed LogoMode is not being saved at the first run.
version 6.3.1
- BUG Fixed The program crashes when options are being saved.
version 6.3
- Feature Added A Tab to print Custom receipts.
- Improvement A better connection with Twitch Pubsub.
version 6.2
- Feature Added Support for a custom channel icon.
- Feature Added Printing Custom Receipts from announcements in chat.
- BUG Fixed Some long messages are being Cut-off when checked for message length.
version 6.1
- BUG Fixed Tips from Streamelements aren't printing.
- BUG Fixed Create a method that checks for the maximum amount of chars used in a line.
- Feature Added A Host cooldown timer to prevent re-hosting.
- Feature Added A Raid cooldown timer to prevent re-raiding.
- BUG Fixed Images on Bits / Cheers aren't showing.
- BUG Fixed Receipt names were Hardcoded when printing.
- BUG Fixed program crashes when a ChannelPoint Reward without a custom image is redeemed.
- BUG Fixed Custom Title on Hosts aren't showing.
- BUG Fixed Images on hosts aren't showing.
- BUG Fixed Custom Title on Hosts aren't showing.
- BUG Fixed Images on Raids aren't showing.
- Feature added Added Currency When available in StreamElements donations.
Version 6.0
- Stream Elements create settings GUI.
- Stream Elements finalize listener.
- EventHistory Table print functionality.
- EventHistory Table remove functionality.
- Create a method that stores userid's to prevent Re-follows from happening.
- Redo the image system.
- Support for Twitch Cheer Emotes in Header.